
The Winter Olympics wardrobe malfunction that was handled brilliantly.

Our favourite wardrobe malfunctions never usually end well, but this one had a rather surprising outcome.

While attempting to execute a perfect performance with partner Alexander Gamelin at this year’s PyeongChang Winter Olympics, Korean ice dancer and figure skater Yura Min was concurrently trying to handle some outfit difficulty.

Mid performance, the top of Min’s red costume began to slide off both her shoulders, at risk of exposing some serious boob – a fear every woman has endured.

But unlike most of us, Min remained completely calm. Both she and her partner barely flinched at the mishap, and at one point, Gamelin managed to subtly pull the top back onto his partner’s shoulders while she was spinning.

As Min exited the arena after her routine, she did a little shimmy as a way to poke fun at her wardrobe malfunction.

“It’s very hard to stay concentrated when you’re worried about whether your costume is going to stay on,” a Channel 7 commentator remarked.


Listen to Mamamia Out Loud: #ClothesMyHusbandHates (Post continues after audio.)

The duo scored a result of 51.97 and landed fourth place early on in the competition.

Saturday Night Live cast member Leslie Jones, who is adding some brilliant commentary to the Winter Olympics via Twitter, posted about the incident.

“I’m not no judge or anything, but I think her shirt is coming off, dude,” Jones can be heard saying.

“Don’t stop that, pull it off. Let that motherf***er come off. You dance your ass off girl. Oh s***, just pull the sleeves up when you do that move. That’s a soldier right there. She ain’t going to stop. I wouldn’t stop. I’d want my titties to be out. We’ve been working too long for this,” Jones continued.

May we all carry ourselves with the same attitude as our new favourite figure skater – Yura Min.

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