
Winnie Harlow just showed us her house. It looks like a Gold Coaster's wet dream.

When decorating and designing a home, every Gold Coaster must follow the three G's: Gold, Glitzy and Gaudy. 

And Winnie Harlow has followed it to a tee. 

The international model has shared her home in Architectural Digestand by all accounts, it is the type of home that would definitely sell for millions anywhere, but especially — or rather, specifically —  in the Gold Coast. 

Before I really get into it, I have a disclaimer to make. 

I love the GC — I spent the best years of my life (read: two years from the ages of four to six) there. Because of that big, beautiful and luminous city, I learnt to swim, how to spot a poisonous toad from just a normal, ugly frog and what to do when your sunburn begins to bubble. 

I loved what felt like an endless summer, adored the people and will forever be indebted to the GC for giving me beautiful childhood memories. 

But at the same time, that place is the reason gold trim makes me feel queasy and mirrored ceilings terrify me. You see, there are certain design elements that many Gold Coasters really, really enjoy. 

Things that they perhaps shouldn't. 

Watch: Holiday mistakes that attract burglars. Post continues after video. 

Video via Mamamia.

Harlow's home also reminds me of every couple from Queensland who has renovated a house on The Block. 

Basically, you'd have to see it to believe it. 

Winnie's tour begins in the living room where the model informs us she worked with interior designer Martyn Lawrence Bullard to create the "calm" space she wanted to live in. 

I see nothing calming, except for the dusty Rothko hardcover on the coffee table. 

Some good reads here, Winnie. Image: AD.


There are also some rounded couches and sitting chairs, with some 1970s leaves made of gold (there's a lot of that here, you'll find), along with ummm, some decorative sheep. This apparently reminds Harlow of the 'Garden of Eden' and I appreciate that, I do. Truly. But I don't think there were any farm animals around during the dawn of creation. 

Blink and you'll miss 'em (this is me giving you some crucial advice). Image: AD.


You should have kept your eyes shut for longer. Image: AD.

Then she shows us an impeccably done drawing of herself above her fireplace. 

"Even though it's me and I didn't want too many pictures of me in my space, there were just some things that are absolutely incredible that I've been gifted over time," she confesses. To be humble, and because Harlow doesn't want to attract too much attention to herself, she places the artwork (of herself) off-centre. 


You know, to make sure she's not the main focus. 

I'm sorry, but that's a photo of yourself, in the middle of your living room, on display, for the entire world to see. Image: AD.

Next up is the Glam Room, which Harlow uses to not only get her makeup and hair done but also as a place to store every single magazine cover she's ever done. 


There is actually a really impressive amount of cover shoots here. Image: AD. 

She might have said she doesn't want too many photographs of herself around the house but why hold her to that when she is clearly so proud of her success? 

I am, too! 

What I am not proud of are the ceilings in Harlow's glam room, which remind me of a prison. Or gift wrap. In this context, I'm not sure which is worse. 


These ceilings are rlly bad. Image: AD. 

She did this because putting a mirror on the ceiling isn't appropriate in Los Angeles, where earthquakes are so common. 

And to that, I say, perhaps just do normal ceilings then, doll?

Then Harlow shows us her kitchen, which is really boring and white, but still very nice. 

I do believe the entire space was designed around the giant mosquito floating above the island bench though. 


That chandelier is blasphemous. Image: AD.

She doesn't show us the backyard, or the hallways, or any of the guest bedrooms but she does show us her powder room. 

Which is — and I can't believe I'm saying this — a room entirely dedicated to her. 

I don't know what to think. Image: AD. 


One thing I love about Harlow is she is honest, and in her home tour, the model tells us she mistakenly did say she doesn't like having too many photos of herself.

But at this point, I can't help but wonder if there's a room that doesn't have her photograph in it? 

The jury is still out on that one. 

If you want to see every room in Winnie Harlow's house, then watch the full house tour with Architectural Digest here:

Feature: AD/Mamamia/Getty.

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