
'There was a huge problem with the finale of Winners and Losers.'

Earlier this week, the final season of Winners and Losers premiered on Channel 7.

Despite the cringe-worthy moments that the show has produced consistently over the years, I would count myself as a fan.

I have endured the amusement of my husband as he questions the authenticity of the show. I have laughed, cried and even wept about the latest trial or tribulation that the characters seem to face on an all too regular basis.

Yet sadly, I have to admit that on two occasions during the episode, I joined (unbeknownst to him) my husband’s critical stance. The cringe-worthy factor was too high, too awkward and to put it bluntly… just plain inappropriate.

For those who like their latte penis froth-free, this is how to make the best tasting, cheap home espresso. Post continues after video…

A penis drawn in latte froth.

Yep you read correctly. Not only is this a sentence I never thought I would write, it is also a sight I never thought I would see. Yet there it was, in all its frothy glory. The apparent ‘harmless’ flirting from a barista, as he tried to impress repulse Sophie.

The froth penis, for obvious reasons, raised the cringe-worthy-o-meter for me; however, it was the reaction from Sophie that upset me the most. Her immediate response of an uncomfortable smile and attempted shut down was perfect because #reallife.


It was her long term response though, where she considered harmless flirtation with said barista that really made me mad. It made me mad because drawing a penis in latte froth is not the right way to impress a woman. It’s crude. It’s childish. It’s disrespectful.

I’m annoyed that the writers of Winners and Losers decided that the example they would set for such behaviour would be somewhat rewarding. Women deserve better than that and surely a froth heart and smiley face isn’t dead.

Nobody expected to see a penis drawn in latte froth. (Image via Winners and Losers at Plus7)

The second is along the lines of friendship. The glue that holds Winners and Losers together. In the finale episode it was no exception as Sophie, Frances and Jenny invited new girl Riley into the fold. In fact, the episode ended with the girls bonding over lunch and introducing Riley to the ins and outs of the group #friendshipgoals.


Yet earlier in the episode Jenny had all but written Riley off. Jenny had prepared to emotionally eat her days away as she vented to her sister and aggressively retrieved food from the fridge. Jenny had decided that Riley, based on the fact that she was attractive, fit and looked good in a Wonder Woman costume, never had to work hard at anything.

Despite the fact that Jenny eventually came around to Riley #besties, by the end of the show - on that note fairly sure Katy Perry wrote a song about Jenny's mood swings - her comment demonstrated a nasty trend that is rife on social media and all to common place in day to day interactions.

A trend whereby people belittle the achievements, traits, physical qualities of others through the suggestion that they didn't have to work hard for it or it was easy for them thereby implying that the rewards are undeserved.

Yes. It was cringe-worthy. (Image via Winners and Losers at Plus7)

And, although I applaud the writers for showing that for Riley, Jenny's perception could not be further from the truth with impulsive issues plaguing her existence. I remain frustrated by the fact that at no point was Jenny forced by her sister or friends to face the fact that she was wrong. Wrong and mean.

Now I know that validation often comes from within and that success is subjective, blah blah blah but I am sick of people, specifically girls and women, belittling each another's success. I'm annoyed that Winners and Losers didn't take the opportunity to overtly demonstrate the flawed nature of Jenny's thought processes. The second the comment came out of her mouth I felt it needed to be addressed and that a point needed to be made.

I certainly do not expect a cringe-worthy free season of Winners and Losers because then the show would just be confusing, but I do hope that the writers take the opportunity to set a good example for how people, specifically women, should be treated in society. Especially when the show is predominantly about and watched by women.

And I also never want to see another penis drawn in latte froth, ever.

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