Most of us have been there.
It hasn’t been your day, your week, your month or even your year, (yes, that’s a Friends reference, and it couldn’t be more appropriate), and you can’t wait to sit down with your bestie to debrief over an alcoholic beverage or three.
That feeling of relief as the warmth (from your friend as well as from the wine) kicks in as you settle down for your chatfest has been captured perfectly in the new web-series from comedians Jess Harris and Emily Taheny – ‘Wine, a bottle shared is a problem halved‘ – and it’s the most relatable thing you’ll see all day.
Here’s a peek at an episode on their Facebook page, which is called, funnily enough, ‘Wine, a bottle shared is a problem halved‘:
The series follows two best friends who love nothing more than doing (a small portion of) what women do best: share their lives with each other, support each other – oh, and enjoy wine with each other.
It’s every conversation you’ve had with your girlfriends over a glass of wine, and you’ll laugh because, as Homer Simpson famously said, “It’s funny because it’s true.”
For example, in one episode, the conversation goes something like:
“Hang on, we’ll have more than one glass won’t we?”
“Shall we just get a bottle?”