
The amazing photos that show exactly how you look after a few glasses of wine.

There is no doubt we all look a little bit different after indulging in a few glasses of wine.

Maybe we relax our shoulders, maybe we begin to smile more, or maybe we start to giggle, our faces flushed with the rosey glow of a good rosé.

It is that transformation that Brazillian photographer Marcos Alberti wanted to capture.

Mr Alberti told Mamamia he initially started the photo series to show a different side of alcohol consumption to that usually portrayed in the media.

“I know that alcohol could be a bad thing,” he said. “But I think if you are surrounded by friends, in a good and happy environment, and with moderation, alcohol could be a good tool for celebration.”

So Mr Alberti invited a group of friends over to his studio.

“They came stressed by traffic and work,” he said. “When they arrive I made a first photo right away, I didn’t gave them time to interact with the environment, so I could capture the real stress.”

No wine. (Image supplied: Marcos Alberti)

"Then I gave them the first glass."

When Alberti writes about the transformative powers of wine on his website, he says, "There is a saying about wine that I really like and it's something like this, 'The first glass of wine is all about the food, the second glass is about love and the third glass is about mayhem'. I really wanted to see for myself if that affirmation was in fact true."

One glass. (Image supplied: Marcos Alberti)

And mayhem certainly did ensue.

Alberti says that with every glass poured, the participants became more and more relaxed, they "started to laugh at more and tell more personal things," he told Mamamia.

Two glasses. (Image supplied: Marcos Alberti)
Three glasses. (Image supplied: Marcos Alberti)

The entire series was captured over six nights, using Alberti's friends as subjects "I tried to invite friends from different circles, so a lot of them [wouldn't] know each other."

"It was very funny to see how they interact before and after wine," he said, highlighting the ability for wine to act as a social lubricant. "They all became friends."

Check out Marcos Alberti's full series Wine Project here:

You can follow Marcos Alberti on his wbsite: http://www.marcosalberti.com/ 

 Instagram marcos_alberti

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