Why don’t you just leave?
It’s the one question every domestic abuse victim is haunted by. From the outside, it seems simple: If your partner is beating you, controlling you, or hurting you, just leave. Just. Leave. Just walk out the door, just go.
But it’s never that simple. It’s never that safe.
Right now,women around the world are explaining why. Read their powerful answers:
Let’s remember that the perpetrators of spousal and intimate abuse are masters of control and intimidation. They could be physically holding their victim captive, threatening to harm them or their children, blackmailing them, or putting them in a state of paralysed fear.
An author called Beverly Gooden started the hashtag #WhyIStayed in response to a particularly heinous public case. She began by confessing why she couldn’t leave her abusive marriage, and her bravery inspired other survivors to join in.