“What would you write about, if you posted?” my sister messaged me last night.
Our conversation had inevitably turned to #MeToo, the prevalence of sexual harassment and how we felt about the news cycle suddenly becoming dominated with the voices of women.
Her ability to mind read would have been comical, had the situation lended itself to, well, humour. I had been thinking about it for days.
I was honest. I had no idea.
“I legitimately can’t pinpoint,” I told her. “But I know I have been. Because there are times I have felt self-conscious, uncomfortable, hyper-aware of my body or embarrassed about my presence somewhere – which means I know it’s happened. But I just can’t remember.”
She shot back with the same sentiment.
How did I get to 23, and although known, deep down, I had been in situations where I had been unequivocally harassed, could I not conjure images, circumstances, names?
I was embarrassed. Who just forgets this stuff? I spent the rest of the night trawling through my mental archives, locking down the times the world, older men, younger men, made me feel like my footing in the world was a little less secure.
They came in thick and fast.
The time I went running, only to be chased a young man who jumped in front of me, pulled his pants down, filmed my face and proceeded to do his thing in my line of sight. I was trapped.