
'Why May 19 will mean so much more than "just a wedding" to women like me.'

The world will be watching Windsor Castle on 19th May, and I will be doing the same.

Like most women, my focus will be on Meghan Markle: the dress, the hair, the jewels, the make up. I’m woman enough to admit I’m excited. I even expect I’ll shed a few tears:

10 percent in the name of “I’m a middle-aged woman and I fondly recall the hope of youth.”

10 percent in the name of “I can’t believe Harry didn’t choose me.”

80 percent in the name of “God damn it, the girl has done it. Woo hoo!”

That’s right – I’ll be cheering as this proud Woman of Colour does something that hasn’t been done before – marry into the very traditional institution of the British royal family.

It’s not an achievement in terms of giving hope to WOC around the world that they too can be a royal one day. We all know that’s utter B.S. Sadly.

No – this is about representation.


One of the world’s most interesting, most-photographed, and most admired women is a proud, bi-racial woman: and that’s a big deal, because it sends a message to all little girls from minority groups that they can and will see themselves represented on the international stage.

Markle will represent to those little girls what Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama mean to me: it’s not just the Diane Sawyers, Nicole Kidmans, and Hillary Clintons of the world that people are inspired by, and respect. That it’s possible to be a woman of colour, and be seen not as just a Woman of Colour – but as an equal. Equally deserving of the attention.

And I know that’s so important to see that when you’re growing up, because I was once a young, little brown girl who was told things like “brown girls don’t do ballet.”

Meghan Markle on her wedding day will be a massive step in the right direction for all people of colour – a glossy-haired beacon of hope on the road towards true equality, and a time when colour just won’t matter any more.


That one day, we’ll all just be accepted the way Harry’s accepted Meghan – because she’s a woman he loves, not because she is, or isn’t, a particular colour.

We might have come a long way, but we are certainly not there yet. Her skin colour has mattered to Meghan all her life, and it continues to do so, because ever since her engagement was announced, it’s been noticed and discussed.

Even before a prince called Harry came along, Meghan talked about how being bi-racial has affected her life and career. She’s told the story of feeling like she didn’t fit in to a “box” she had to tick to identify her race in school, because she felt she would be disloyal to either her black mother or her white father, so her dad advised her to “make her own box.”

She’s spoken about missing out on roles because she wasn’t fair enough.

Meghan Markle Princess Diana
Meghan proudly identifies as biracial. Source: Getty.

And who can forget the ugly incident earlier this year, when a UK politician’s girlfriend wrote a series of racist text messages about Meghan potentially "tainting the royal seed". The messages, published by The Mail on Sunday, came from the phone of 25-year-old Jo Marney, girlfriend of UK politician Henry Bolton.

In one text, Marney said she doesn't like "black people" because they're "ugly". She added in another message, "Not wanting other races and cultures to invade your own culture doesn't mean I hate their race. Just means I don't want their culture invading mine."

Alrighty then.

So this is why 19th May will herald a reason to celebrate beyond the joy of Meghan and Harry. When I see Meghan walk down that aisle, I know it'll feel like a victory, an achievement, a joy, for a lot of women and little girls.

The message will be clear: not only will 'you' be seen on the worldwide stage, you can also be, and be seen as, equal to anybody.

The Out Loud crew go deep on everything that is happening in the world of Meghan Markle this week. From grey hairs to who she can’t have at her wedding.

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