Here’s where we post anonymous videos in which we share secrets from The Motherish staff, along with any submitted by you. The topic for each video can be anything; life, love, eating, snooping. Nothing is off limits, and no-one is revealed.
As much as we like to believe that marriage is forever, in reality they’re not. People change. Circumstances change. Sometimes, we just lose the connection we once had with somebody.
It’s fascinating to think that your emotions and feelings toward someone can alter so significantly. When it does we don’t always know immediately. We often realise at a significant point, after something throws us.
Here’s when women realised it was time for a divorce…
Missed last week’s The Motherish Confessions? Watch: What do you do after the kids go to bed?
Get your confession in our Motherish Confessions next week; Which child is my secret favourite, and why. Comment below or email us