There’s a reason why the Real Housewives series are so popular and it’s not just because they are like episodes of Jerry Springer, in heels.
That’s just the reunions.
And I speak from experience, having watched the very first Real Housewives episode many years ago, in 2006. It was Real Housewives of Orange County, and it was promoted as a reality version of the insanely popular drama Desperate Housewives.
I was sold, having recently given up my career to raise my first child who had severe food allergies. I was bored, open to suggestion, vulnerable and missing my girlfriends.
Lisa Oldfield on Real Housewives fights. Article continues…
The basic gist of the Real Housewives series was to allow us a look into the lives of several affluent housewives, firstly in Orange County in California in the US, followed by New York, then Atlanta, New Jersey, Washington DC, Beverly Hills, Miami, Potomac, Dallas, and then it went global.
Athens launched in 2011, then France, Melbourne (yay!), Cheshire in the UK, Auckland, Sydney (from February 26, double yay!), Toronto and in production but yet to receive an on air date, Bankok.
Okay, I think that’s all of them.
I watch the Real Housewives series in a similar way to a lover of fine wines, dipping in and out of different franchises depending on my mood, the cast and the recent happenings.