Teenage girls across the world are publicly rejecting feminism.
Now, excuse me one moment while I get inside my bomb shelter, but I can kind of see their point.
Yesterday, we reported on the most depressing site on the Internet. It’s a Tumblr called ‘Woman Against Feminism’, where girls – most of them barely out of puberty – share all the reasons they’re not feminists.
It’s galling stuff. Stuff that’s prompted pained howls from all corners of the f-word wielding Internet. But I know where it comes from.
Signs that say: “I don’t need feminism because the men in my life care about and respect me” make sense to me. They come from the same place as teenage blockbuster actress Shailene Woodley and popstar Katy Perry saying that they’re not feminists.
They come from the fact that feminism has a marketing problem.
If you were raised with an awareness of feminism, then it might be incomprehensible that people don’t get the basic “equal rights, safety and access regardless of gender” message of the movement.
Seeing people missing the basic point completely; missing the fact that “the men in my life care about and respect me” is feminism, probably makes you want to shout and throw things. It probably makes you want to shake your fists and scream “How could people still think this way?!”