Coffee is famous for giving your head a wake-up call in the morning. But for a lot of people, it also has a way of rousing the bowels.
So why, exactly, does our favourite caffeine hit leave us rushing to the toilet mid-morning?
Well, no one’s sure of the exact answer. Much of it comes down to the individual — some people are just more sensitive when it comes to their digestive system, while others may be experiencing the effects of underlying issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which requires proper diagnosis and supervision for a doctor.
“It can be hard to determine exactly what it is that sets off an individual’s digestive system. Some people are simply more sensitive to some foods, and that includes coffee,” says Sydney-based GP Dr Greg Kelford.
For those of us without an underlying cause for coffee-related loo business, research has suggested the drink’s caffeine component may be to blame. Caffeine stimulates the digestive system and encourages muscle contractions in the digestive tract, resulting in — you guessed it — a little private time in the small room. (Post continues after gallery.)
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Another theory is that when your morning coffee reaches your stomach, it serves as a catalyst to get your bowels going, which results in the urgent ‘number two’ situation. The body registers something coming in and gets ready for something to go out again.
Dr Kelford says this is precisely why people should make sure to eat a good breakfast at the beginning of the day. “Without food in your stomach, your digestive system is woken up purely by caffeine in coffee. It’s really not ideal due to the effects we already know caffeine has on the body,” he explains.