There is a mystery woman with very nice fingernails on the Internet, who is seriously baffling millions of people worldwide.
A YouTube account operating under the name DC Toys Collector is an anonymous enigma, raking in more money per year than some of Hollywood‘s A-list.
And all the star of the channel does to earn her money? Unwrap toys on camera. Disney toys, to be precise.
The woman posts under the name DC Toys Collector and was estimated by OpenSlate to earn $4.9 million last year, just through ads alone. Her account racks up over 380 million views per month.
Ugh. This is what Aussie teenage boys are doing to achieve YouTube Fame.
In fact, it frequently tops the list of most-viewed accounts each month on YouTube.
The host’s voice has a relaxing, musical tone to it and she always spends a little too long crinkling the plastic that her toys come in.
But the majority of her viewers – children under 10 – see the channel as a try-before-you-buy (or have your parents buy for you, to be precise) toy demonstration.
And our YouTube millionaire gives them exactly that.
Children and parents alike are confused by this mystery video poster who chooses to live in an anonymous environment where YouTubers are modern-day celebrities.
Investigations into her identity have been carried out by other sites – Buzzfeed assumes it is a 43-year-old Brazilian woman from Florida, the New York Times say their best guess is a 21-year-old woman named Melissa Lima.
But attempts to contact the channel to find out her true identity have gone ignored.
DC Toys Collector doesn’t want to be famous. She just wants to bring the joy of plastic to the world’s children… and earn a little coin while doing it.