THANK GOD YOU’RE HERE. OKAY. SO. Lana – AKA the runner-up of The Bachelor 2015 and the gal everyone assumed was going to be our next Bachelorette – is probably out of the running.
Oh my holy guacamole it just got real.
It turns out while everyone was picturing Lana dishing out roses to chiseled men, she was off frolicking in a pool and falling in love with a dude named Jake Meah. She even told NW he was “the one”. I know. I KNOW.
Our other fave option in Heather was ruled out pretty quickly too. Post continues after video…
If you ask me (a well seasoned cynic) this info was leaked strategically because Channel 10 are about to spill the beans on who our REAL BACH LADY is. And… well… bravo, TV execs, because it’s totally working and I’m basically frothing at the mouth.
Anyway, we got to work in the Mamamia office and put our thinking caps on. Without further ado, here’s our top 5 suspects for Bachelorette 2016.
1. Louise Pillidge.
I’m telling you now, Louise would make for some great reality television entertainment. Imagine the chaos if the first two Bachelorettes in Aussie TV history were both Blake ‘Dirty Love Rat’ Garvey’s exes. JUST IMAGINE. We could probably just rename the show ‘Blake’s a Douchebucket’ and be done with it.