
Watch this white supremacist find out he's part African.

Craig Cobb

Craig Cobb is a 62-year-old white supremacist. Oh, and neo-nazi. Oh, and he’s wanted in Canada for hate crimes. Oh, and he launched a racism-friendly version of YouTube. Oh, and he clubs baby seals.

Okay, so that last one was a lie, but we’ve established that he’s pretty much the worst kind of human, haven’t we?

Good. Then it is with great satisfaction that we bring you the video in which the neo-nazi, white supremacist, baby seal clubbing Craig Cobb finds out that he actually has 14% sub-Saharan African DNA.


Talk show host Trisha Goddard made the moment all the more glorious by trying to fistpump him while exclaiming, “You’ve got a little black in you, Bro!”

Cobb has sinced rubbished that whole ‘science‘ thing, and refuses to accept the results of the test.

But we’ll always have The Trisha Show. Check it out:




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