Come on… every parenting does this. Right?
Thanks to PSY’s Gangnam Style I have found myself caught in a ridiculous situation.
Bear with me here.
Many, many months ago my then 4-year-old asked me what a “sexy lady” after hearing the song at a pre-school disco.
I hesitated, and um-ed and er-ed and finally came up with the explanation that sexy is what you say to a girl who you think is pretty and you really love.
I know, I know I was under the pump. He wanted an answer immediately and I sure wasn’t firing on all cylinders that day.
I am dealing with the consequences daily.
“I sexy you Mummy.” he says as I grimace a smile back at him.
“You’re sexy Grandma,” he cries as I quickly cough and try to explain my way through his obviously confused communication skills.
Every time one of my kids tells me they “sexy me” I groan a little louder and wonder how on earth I can dig myself out of this very deep hole I seem to find myself in.
It’s all so easy to bounce out those little white lies as an easy answer or as a solution to a tricky situation isn’t it?
Just this last weekend I realised that little fibs are flowing out of my mouth faster than PSY’s bottom wiggles.
1. “The park is closed today for spring cleaning – it being the last day of winter.”
I was cozy, I am just getting over the flu and the thought of pushing a swing was akin to listening to Gangham Style on repeat.
The park always closes for the last day of winter doesn’t it?
2. “The Tooth Fairy doesn’t work on Saturday nights.”
Well she needs one night off! Luckily, Sunday night she clocked on and delivered the goods.