In the 48 hours that followed the birth of my first child I lost all sense of independence. This little baby was stuck to me.
Every waking hour she wanted to be on her mama. It was exhausting. It was draining. And despite what I had read, it did the opposite of establishing a connection with my baby. I just needed space.
We had a difficult fourth trimester that resulted in not a lot of sleep and plenty of cuddles around the clock. She wouldn’t settle in her bassinet and my family helped take shifts through the night because the only way she (and I) could get a bit of sleep was if she snoozed away on someone’s chest.
Watch: Horoscopes As New Mums. Story continues after video.
On a good day she’d let me strap her in the carrier to take a nap ‘on the go’ but as soon as I tried to transfer her she would wake up in a rage. My days were spent walking the streets for hours on end. I wasn’t sure what was going on - was I doing something wrong? Was I creating bad sleeping habits? Was my baby ok? Are my hips breaking?
In a late night feeding stupor I was scrolling TikTok when a video came up on my FYP. It was a mum opening up about her ‘velcro’ baby, a term used to describe an infant who is incredibly clingy and doesn’t like to be put down. BINGO! I had a velcro baby! In an instant the very thing that was making me feel so isolated as a first time mum had a name to it and a legion of other women who were experiencing the same things as me.