
Got spare nappies? Give them to The Nappy Collective May drive.

Buying nappies is one of the most frustrating costs of being a parent of a baby. Packs of nappies cost a small fortune, even when you buy them in bulk, and literally all the baby does is ‘waste’ them – pun intended.

The other annoying thing that can happen with nappies is that you stockpile them so that you never have to do a midnight nappy dash, and then you discover that literally overnight, your baby has grown, and no longer fits into the size you bought.

But there’s something really special you can do with those nappies – apart from taking one and putting it in your baby’s Memory Chest ready to for display at their 21st birthday party.

You can donate them to a mum in need.

Thanks to the work of the dedicated team at The Nappy Collective, your surplus nappies could be distributed to mothers in desperate need of them – many of whom are the victims of domestic violence.

The NC distributes nappies to women’s refuges, and a number of other organisations that support women in physical or financial crisis, such as Barnardos Australia and Good Shepherd.

More than two million nappies have been distributed via the nationwide program since The NC began in 2013, benefitting mothers who have fled abusive relationships, mothers financially struggling to meet the physical needs of their baby, and other mothers experiencing hardship.


Catie Gett, owner of The Staple Store, was the first ever drop off point for nappy collection and has been a yearly supporter ever since. Her compassion for, and understanding of issues facing, women in need led to her passion to help them.

“Domestic violence is rife in our community, even if we don’t always see it,” Gett says.

“So, many of us don’t realise how many women are in crisis situations and need our help. The mums are fleeing their homes, often with just the clothes on their backs and their children. They aren’t taking bags of nappies with them.”

It’s been 2 years since I’d been to the hairdressers. TWO YEARS. I’ve been chopping my hair over the bathtub and wearing it in a perpetual top knot. It had gotten to the point that I was just too embarrassed to go. But I did it and my hairdresser didn’t make me feel embarrassed once for my damaged hair, for not owning a hair dryer, for cutting it and dying it myself. Or for bringing my 2 year old to a 31/2 hr repair emergency appointment. They all made me feel loved and looked after. And look at my hair ????????seriously. They saved it. And I often run out of shampoo and use hand wash to clean it. I promise @organikahair to not do that again. I promise to start taking this regular self care gig seriously. I feel tired still, a little bit stressed too. But I feel bloody beautiful and I haven’t felt that in a while. And I reminded myself when we feel good about ourselves we get to be the best versions of ourselves for all of the people we love. Sometimes we need to work from the the outside in and that’s ok. Thanks Sarah and thanks Tori Thanks for saving me from myself xx

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Gett also points out that when mothers are in those situations, they generally also leave without any access to money, or means to provide basics for their children.

“People sometimes say to me why don’t we give mums cloth and reusable nappies, but it’s not as simple as that. Imagine being a mum who’s had to flee to crisis accommodation with the kids. You wouldn’t have the capacity to think about where you’ll wash nappies for your babies. Free nappies gives those mums one less thing to think about and support they really need.”

The success of the program is due to supporters such as Gett, the amazing effort by The NC, and the Australian public. Even if you’re not a parent or you don’t have spare nappies to donate, you can always buy some and drop them off, knowing you are playing a role in this important cause.

The NC’s October drive is on from the 10-24 May. For more information and to find your nearest drop off point, visit The Nappy Collective website.

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