
Alex and Richie have finally set a very important family date.


Profess your love for one another on national television? Check.

Clog our Snapchat feeds with adorably dorky filter selfies? Check.

Arrange a time for your new boyfriend to finally meet your five-year-old son? Err….

Moments like these ✨

A photo posted by alexandra nation (@alexandranation) on

It’s a little known fact that Alex Nation, the 24-year-old who won Richie’s heart on the latest season of The Bachelor, is a SINGLE MOTHER.

(I know, it was a total shock when we found out, too!)

Listen to the latest episode of Bach Chat:

After keeping her five-year-old son off our screens during the season, it turns out Richie still hasn’t met the totally adorable Elijah, which is kind of a big deal.


My heart is so full ∞ #thislegend #littledude #littlemonster #monkey #lijey #LG #mymainman #motherandson

A photo posted by alexandra nation (@alexandranation) on

But that’s all about the change.

Responding to a question on Instagram, Alex has revealed that her and Richie have finally set the date for the, in our opinion, biggest event of 2016: the family reunion.

“In the next month,” Alex wrote, when a fan asked her when the two men in her life will finally meet.

Alex revealed her plans on social media. Image via Instagram.

"It's something we don't want to rush and we want to really enjoy that special moment together.

"It is a very exciting time and I'll certainly cherish that moment," she said.

Take a peek at Richie and Alex's most adorable couple snaps.

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