How do you cope when you get sick?
Mums don’t get sick.
We just don’t.
Sure, we might get a sniffle or two. Maybe a cough. But that’s it. Anything else simply isn’t allowed in the mum rulebook.
It isn’t okay.
So, what happens if you do?
Well, you call in sick don’t you? Your husband/ partner/ best friend/ mum steps in straight away and you lay in bed for a few days while they bring you tissues, soup and hand sanitiser.
In your dreams.
Nothing happens generally if you get sick does it? You are still mum. You still have to get the kids up, dressed, to school, to soccer, to ballet. If you are lucky enough to have a husband who can step in and take on some duties, then you might get a small amount of rest but you know that the minute your eyes close the door will open with a small child, or helpless husband asking where the swimming bag is.
In a more realistic world (ie. mine), you just have to get on with it no matter how awful you feel. Someone needs to feed the kids and put them to bed.
Here is a day in the life of one sick mum. Post continues after video.
I can’t quite shake the memory of the time my three kids and I all had gastro. After depositing them all on the couch with four buckets placed close by, we spent the day literally in a vomit filled hell.