This week I had one of those awkward realisations. You know the ones. Those moments when you clearly see something about yourself that is rather shocking. Uncomfortable. Lame. It could be that moment it dawns on you that you look completely out of place shopping at Sportsgirl because you look – what’s the word? – oh yes, old.
Maybe it’s when you see a photo of yourself and realise that yes – wearing that poncho and with that fringe you do actually look like your Uncle Frank. Excellent. Or maybe it’s when it occurs to you that you are the only person left in the world still watching Desperate Housewives. And so it was this week, when trawling through some recent emails, I realised I’d become someone I despised. It appears that I’ve started using emoticons.
Oh yes, yes I have.
I’m not sure how I got here.
I used to be anti-emoticon. When others used them in text messages and emails, I scoffed, I eye-rolled, I thought a teeny, tiny little bit less of them. I mean emoticons were on my list of reasons to not date a guy. Uses emoticons. Drinks citrus fruit-flavoured girlie drinks with tropical holiday label. Lives with his mother. Watches Two and a Half Men. Thinks Two and a Half Men is funny. Plays any type of computer game involving “quests” and “wizards”.
And yet somehow in the past six months I have morphed into that Pollyanna person who adds an inane goofy, grinning face to the end of her emails. And not just smiling faces. Sad faces! :( Tongue pokes! :P A kind of slanty mouthed one that looks a little bit like someone who voted for Labor at the last federal election. :/ And winks? ;) Don’t get me started on winks. I don’t even wink in real life. But on email and Twitter? I’m like Shane Warne at your cousin Sharon’s wedding. In cyber-space I’m winking at everybody. It’s like I have a nervous tick.
Emoticons are so not me. I’m edgy. (Okay clearly I’m not edgy, that’s a lie. I’m not sure why I said that). But I didn’t think I was lame. Well, not this lame.