
19 autocorrects that will make you laugh until you weep.

I received a frantic text from my friend: “My son has done something to my phone and I don’t know how to change it back. HELP!”

And man, had her 17-year-old son had some fun.

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“He’s done something to my phone’s autocorrect and every time I type ‘car’ into a message, it comes out as ‘bum’. I just texted the babysitter to make sure the kids sit in the back of her bum!! I sent that 3 times before I realised something was up.”

Which, of course, is all fun and games until your babysitter considers resigning.

Ahh, autocorrect. Whether it's child-related sabotage or just your phone trying to screw with you, it can temporarily ruin lives and make things very awkward for everyone concerned.

Ever had an errant autocorrect ...

1. Like Shawn, who can never look his dad in the eye again. Or his mum, for that matter.

2. Or Charlie, who now makes sure he flushes the toilet religiously.

3. Or this mum, who for a minute thought she'd failed to get the 'hugs not drugs' message across.

4. Oh this poor kid, who temporarily had his first taste of what it's like to lose a family member.

5. Or Erin, whose perfectly reasonable requests were met with sarcasm.

6. Or when Travis overstepped the boundaries for a moment.

7. Or this mother, who forever lost her little princess.

8. Like when Rodney suddenly made things really awkward at work.

9. Or this poor kid, who'll never be able to eat shaved pork again.

10. Or this mother, who'll forever be wary of spelling the seemingly innocent word 'bag'.

11. Or this kid, whose aspirations to become a plumber suddenly became shaky.

12. Or Amanda, who was just trying to help her brother out of a jam.


13. Or Charley, whose declarations of love just made things awkward for everyone.

14. Breeanna, who will never be able to look at Chicken Cacciatore the same way, ever again.

15. Or this poor kid, who now knows his Mum has previously been using the word TRANNYPORN.

16. Or this guy, who was *THIS* close to getting the job.

17. Or Jodie, who just wanted to play a regular drinking game.

18. Or Myra, who just wanted to get her tax done and not be sexually harassed.

19. Or this guy, who now closes the blinds every night, just in case.

Have you had any autocorrect accidents? Let us know in the comments.

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