This is a piece the wonderful Zoe Foster Blake wrote for Mamamia way back in 2011. Now that The Bachelorette’s Matty J has had his heart stomped on (on national telly, no less) we thought it was time to bring it back. Enjoy.
Along with Paddle Pops, Frisbee playing and Aeroguard, summer brings with her the deafening roar of relationships collapsing and the quiet, sad whisper of hearts breaking. For some reason when the temperature nudges 27 degrees, a lot of people (the majority of them men) issue a kind of emotional stock take, and make a Big Brutal Decision about where their relationship is. This can lead to proposals, (there are probably just as many proposals as there are breakups) but a lot of the time it ends in, uh, an end.
The exact reason, despite several extensive studies by make believe scientists, remains unknown. Perhaps it’s because humans naturally reflect at the end of the year, and finally take time to really examine things, as opposed to just cruising along on autopilot. Maybe it’s because we like starting a new year feeling like we are On The Right Track, and if a relationship is no longer serving us, we have a firm template (the end of the calendar year) in place that makes us feel we have permission to instigate change. Maybe it’s because people wear less clothes in summer and we realise that if we’re being brutally honest, there is a part of us we can no longer ignore that would like to fool around with those people wearing less clothes. Of course, as with anything pertaining to the heart, the reasons are as unique as the people experiencing them.
But I’m less concerned with the instigators and their motivations, and more with those who have been at the receiving end of this… end, and who are currently nursing wounded hearts and punctured egos. You have my sympathy because break ups suck, flat out suck, but you do not have my pity.
There is a risk I am hurling this advice at you prematurely (and entirely unsolicited), because you’re still dealing with the enormity of your boyfriend choosing to be not with you instead of with you, but ultimately, I wish for you to understand you have been given a gift. Because no matter what happens right in this moment, no matter how spectacularly low you’re feeling as you read this, fighting fears and fighting tears, sometime in the future you will have a better man, or a better version of the man you had before.