
Oh no. This is actually the worst Wheel of Fortune fail of all time.

In the past few months, I’ve found I have the most niche kind of guilty pleasure.

It’s not a food, it’s not a binge-worthy TV show and it’s not even a kind of hobby.

It’s much more simple than that. It’s watching people struggle to solve Wheel of Fortune puzzles in the most spectacular kind of fashion. They serve one very specific purpose: to make me feel much more intelligent, superior and together than I really am. Oh, and to distract me from the fact if I was to ever appear on this show, I’d probably say something far more stupid than these people ever have.

Back in 2014, we had the guy that thought this ‘person’ was the The World’s Fastest Cat. Meow.

It was, um, the world's fastest man, in case you were wondering.

In that same year, we had a woman who struggled to solve this 'saying', shouting confidently: "Sit back an enjoy the night!" Except, ah, that's not a saying and you still absolutely have ignored the fact the last word has six letters to fill, not five.

And then in March this year, the person who struggled to get this one right was dubbed the worst contestant of all time. (A Streetcar Naked Desire is not a thing that's ever been made.)

And this week, we have another to add to our burgeoning list, when someone thought they had the answer to this one:

"Popsicle Bike!" she yelled with the conviction of someone who totally had the wrong answer.

Nope. Nup. Honey, no.

We have a few issues here to unpack. The category for these mystery two words was 'living thing.' For one, popsicle bikes aren't an actual thing, let alone a living one. And also, bike doesn't quite have an 's' in its spelling.

It's so bad I'd almost give her the car for it.

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