Did you grow up in a nude house? Apologies if you now have an inappropriate mental picture of your parents and siblings naked. Or maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re drawing a blank because you can’t recall ever seeing your parents without their clothes on. Nor your siblings – not since you became too big to have baths together anyway.
When assessing the nude attitude in your household, there are many nudity nuances to consider, from sleeping naked to streaking the short distance from shower to bedroom to surfing the net while sprawled on the lounge with a glass of wine. Some people garden nude. Others cook. Prepared a nude snack lately? Make sure it’s not a toastie.
Having asked the nude-house question a lot this week (I highly recommend it as an ice-breaker at your next social gathering), I’ve learned that the level of nudity you grew up with is your baseline for normal and you think everyone else is weird.
Generally, people who were raised in a nude house are perplexed by those who weren’t. “What’s the big deal?” they shrug. Meanwhile non-nudists are freaked out by the concept of Chez Naked and wince a lot when discussing it. “The idea of family nudity honestly makes me gag a little,” said one guy who grew up on a farm and told me that, “being naked in our house was like being covered in a swarm of bees; not advisable and highly uncomfortable. Never happened. I wouldn’t even take my shirt off on a hot day.”
Another emphatic response came from a 20 year old who still lives at home with her family including her grandmother. “Ever seen Nana naked?” I enquired and she nearly passed out. “In our house, public nudity is about as common as setting yourself on fire.” [bees? fires? what’s with the extreme analogies from the non-nudists?] “I’ve never seen my parents naked and I think the last time they saw me in the nuddy was age 10. Maybe that’s why I don’t ever really feel comfortable without clothes on. Who are these people that love sleeping naked? What if there’s a fire??”