
What your sleeping position says about your personality.

Image: Breakfast at Tiffany’s

by Nicole Weaver for Your Tango

When you pick a position to fall asleep in, you probably think it’s just about what’s comfortable for your body, but science says it might have more to do with your personality.

Research shows that how you sleep physically has ties to your personality, mental and physical status. The study looked into six different sleep positions and found that each are linked to different personality types.

1. The foetal position

This position is when you curl up like a foetus would in the womb. A study found that this means you put on a tough exterior but you’re really a softy deep down inside. This is actually the most common position, with 41 per cent of the 1,000 people surveyed claiming that this is how they normally sleep.

2. The log position

This is when you lie on your side and have your arms parallel to your torso and legs. People who tend to fall asleep in this position are easygoing, sociable, and are usually in the popular crowd. They are, however, gullible. Sounds like Karen from Mean Girls. (Post continues after gallery.)

 3. The yearner

If you yearn to lie on your side and have your arms in front of you, then you’re less gullible and more cynical. These people are also more suspicious of others.

4. The starfish position

If you sleep on your back with your arms up and around your pillow, then you make a good friend. This is because you’re a great listener and always up to giving a hand when someone is in need. (Post continues after video.)


5. The soldier

This is when you sleep on your back with both arms pinned to your sides, which means you’re generally quiet and reserved. You hold yourself to high standards but you’re not about drama.

6. Freefall

People who lie on their stomach with their hands around the pillow and head turned to one side tend to be brash. They are also described as gregarious, nervy, and not able to take criticism or intense situations.

What position do you sleep in?

This post originally appeared on Your Tango. You can view the original post here. Read more from Your Tango:

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