Dreams and nightmares are not just a result of the random actions of brain cells while we are sleeping.
A dream about getting married to a Hemsworth doesn’t necessarily mean you want to get married to a Hemsworth (or that you will). A nightmare about arriving to work naked doesn’t mean you’re going to forget to put on your pants.
But some believe that these dreams are revealing messages that are subtle, subliminal and existential.
We asked women of the Mamamia Women’s Network about their most recent dreams and nightmares – and worked out what they mean.
“I dream of pregnancy all the time.”
“I dreamed that I was pregnant. Then I gave birth and kept the baby in an egg in the bathroom cabinet.”
Dreams of being pregnant suggest your personal life is in a growth stage, according to dreamdictionarynow.com. The fact you are still pregnant in the dream means you are not quite ready to share your idea with the world. If you give birth in the dream that means you are starting something new. Struggling to feed a baby in a dream means you need to put more work into your pursuit. Losing a pregnancy or a baby in a dream means the idea isn’t working. If you are pregnant in a dream and the bump gets smaller that means you were about to do something new but changed your mind.
"I dream of tsunamis."
Water in dreams means emotions. Tsunamis and tidal waves in dreams means over-whelming emotion. Dreamwell.com says that the appearance of tsunamis in dreams can signify that we are either under a lot of pressure or that we are surrounded by a lot of change that is overwhelming. They are typical of those feeling stressed about a looming deadline. The fear and anxiety felt in the dream reflects fear of failure or feeling under-prepared