
Best and worst: How's your week been?

This week’s best for Em Rusciano? Meeting the Governor General.








Welcome to Best and Worst, the place where you can share the best bits and the worst bits of your week with the Mamamia Community.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your story might be…

We’re all ears.

For me this week has flown by in a rush of study, Adam Hill’s awesomeness (if you haven’t seen this video yet, watch it, it will make your week or month ) and catch-ups with friends.

We wanted to share these images with you – it’s MM Today host Em Rusciano meeting the Governor General.

Now that it is Friday I feel like I can finally breathe – in fact I almost feel like running up a hill, spinning around and breaking into song while wearing a pinafore, Julie Andrews-style.

But for now, I think I’ll just let you know what the Best and Worst bits of my week were, and then I’ll hand it over to you.

Best: I feel I have graduated with a big gold start into adulthood – and before you start rolling your eyes, hear me out. After a year of living by myself I decided it was time to stop eating $7 Thai takeaway, pasta and tuna every night for dinner and actually attempt to make something.


So this week I made delicious dish of Chilli Con Carne, which I subsequently ate and bragged about for the rest of the week. I was that proud I even sent a photo to my Mum (does anyone else do that?).

My Chilli Con Carne – it may not look that appetising but I promise it tasted great.

Worst: The brutality that was seen at the Mardi Gras this year- particularly documented through this four minute viral video. Even though we don’t know exactly what happened in the lead up to the filming, it’s difficult not to feel outraged at what has been filmed.

My other worst is that I am missing my family, my animals and the wide open spaces of my family’s farm where I spent the summer. I have only been back in Sydney three weeks, but I still haven’t gotten used to my teeny tiny apartment, the noise and not being able to see the stars at night.

First world problem, I know. Thankfully it is only two weeks and six days till I get back there – I’m not counting or anything.

Now over to you.

Here’s another ‘Best’ to celebrate – we’ve just produced our FOURTH Mamamia podcast. Hit ‘play’ below to have a listen. 

What were the best and worst moments of your week?

Elissa is a Communications student and an intern at Mamamia. She has the longest list of nicknames the world has ever seen, and because of this spends her life informing people how to correctly pronounce her real name. Follow her here.

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