
Here's exactly what the opposite sex thinks about your tattoos.

I don’t actually think I know anyone who doesn’t have a tattoo.

I personally have six: some are odd little stickers, mementoes, easily hidden beneath a shirt cuff. Others are a little larger, and easily visible. Either way, they get noticed. Daily.

Sometimes it’s just a quick flick of the eyes over my wrist or arm, other times it’s a blatant stare and the inevitable, “But what does it mean?”

Like it or not, there are times as a tattooed person that you can’t help but wonder… what are they thinking?

And now, thanks to new data released, I know.

Really...would you say no?

Online dating service has surveyed 2,000 of their users to get their opinion on tattoos, and the results are interesting, but not surprising.

The insights included:

  • According to women, the hottest spots for men’s ink is the back, chest and half sleeve
  • Men most like to spy a tattoo on a woman’s back, foot and wrist.
  • Face tattoos are the biggest turn-off. Only 2% of men and 1% of women would go there.
  • Neck tattoos are next on the chopping block. Only 10% of women and 17% of men find neck tattoos attractive.
  • The more tattoos you have, the less attractive you are to the opposite sex. More than four tattoos axes your approval rating by half – from 80% to 42%.

But for me, the biggest finding was the major double standard between the sexes.

Men with tats? Hot. Women with tats? Not.

According to, "8 out of 10 women find tattoos on men attractive, but only if they are not too ‘over the top’. They have less concerns about how their men choose to show off their tattoos - most aren’t bothered about how under wraps they are."

However, "While 7 out of 10 men find tattoos on women attractive, the majority say this depends on placement. 56% say tattoos can be attractive if they are small and subtly placed. The majority of male respondents said they would prefer it if their women kept their tattoos hidden, for their eyes only (68%)."

Yeah, you read that right. Hidden. For their eyes only.

*Cue epic eye roll*

Okay, there are some tats that are better than others.

Fear not, ladies, spokesperson Lara Delahunty clears the air by assuring us the bias goes both ways.

"Men also need to be aware that the the more tattoos you have, the less attractive you are to women. More than four tattoos axes your attractiveness by half."

Umm, who came up with these figures?

Whilst it is indeed interesting to peek into the collective grey matter of those on the dating scene, the scientific nature of dating do's and don't's are getting a tad ridiculous.

Why getting tattooed is good for you. Post continues after video...

With almost 14.5% of Australians owning at least ONE tattoo, it's becoming less of a case of 'if' and more of a case of 'how many?'

And, with only slightly more men owning tattoos than women (men - 15.4%, women - 13.6%), there's little doubt that both sexes need to make peace with the fact that they are around. Tattoos are common. They're everywhere. Get over it.

From Helen Mirren to Princess Stephanie of Monaco to Winston Churchill, tattoos are hardly cause for bias.

In fact, they often have a great story behind them... if you ever give yourself the chance to ask.

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