
Would you wear this to your child's first day of school?

Do you wear your activewear to meet your kids at the school gate? Have you ever considered an inflatable dinosaur costume instead?

For solo-mum-of-two, Olivia, costumes have become an unexpected part of the back-to-school ritual for her daughters, Tahlia, eight, and Daphne, four.

"When Tahlia was little, she would ask if we could both wear tutus to the supermarket, and I was always like, 'Yes!'," the 40-year-old from Melbourne told Mamamia.

"As a solo mum, it's so hard to be everything for your kids — working, providing and being there for special moments — so I've always been a 'yes' mum when it can bring joy to my children whenever possible, and I don't care what people's opinions are. Life's too short to worry about that."

Watch: The 7 types of school parents. Post continues after video.

Video via Mamamia.

When Tahlia told her mum she was nervous about starting prep at a school where she knew no-one, Olivia came up with a very unique idea to help her daughter.

"I suggested that I dress up on her first day, and she was instantly excited about it," Olivia remembered of that conversation three years ago.


"It really gave her something to look forward to over the holidays."

With Tahlia's enthusiastic pre-approval, Olivia arrived to pick up her daughter inside a two-metre inflatable dinosaur costume they named 'Terry the T-Rex'.

t rex dinosaur costume with prep studentTerry the T-Rex. Image: Supplied.

"Seeing me walk down the path towards her classroom, she got so excited that she started screaming, 'That's my Mum!'," Olivia fondly recalls.

"When the bell went and all the preppies came out, they didn't even go to their parents, they came straight to Terry the T-Rex. Everyone was hugging me and taking photos, and (Tahlia) was so happy and proud. The next day, I rocked up in normal clothes, and she got upset, asking where my costume was."


Tahlia is now in Grade 3, and Olivia has continued their joyful first-day tradition every year.

"After prep, I decided it would be a surprise, so she's been picked up not knowing who I'll arrive as," the creative mum, who also works full-time running her own business, says.

For Grade 1, Olivia dressed up as 'Princess Sparkles' (a character she created for her daughters' birthday parties) and rode into school on an inflatable unicorn.

unicorn costume for mumsPrincess Sparkles. Image: Supplied.


In Grade 2, she wobbled about the playground inside an inflatable called 'Peggy the Penguin'.

penguin costume for mums adultsPeggy the Peguin. Image: Supplied.

"I could barely get through the doors, my butt was so big," she laughed.


This year, for Grade 3, Olivia transformed into the iconic 'Elmo the Mascot', and for the first time, did an impromptu mini-photo call after her costume change in the school sick room.

elmo mascot costumeElmo the mascot. Image: Supplied.

"I had parents say they wouldn't normally come into school for pick-up, but they came in specially to see me," she adds.

Next year, it will be double the fun, when Daphne starts prep at the same school, and will be greeted with a surprise character on her first day alongside her big sister.


"I love that all the kids get involved, and even the parents ask me at drop-off what the costume will be, so many people are invested now."

And yes, this thick-skinned mum also isn't immune to the occasional questioning of her parenting choices.

"I get asked by some people if I'm embarrassing my kids, but I ask Tahlia every year in the holidays if she wants me to dress up, and the answer has always been a big yes," she said. "The day before, she gets so excited at what the surprise will be, much more than going to school - and she loves that her friends love it. I even have Grade 6's come up to me, saying, 'You're the coolest mum!' I get such a kick out of it, knowing I make so many kids happy."

Even if that does ever change for her daughter, Olivia is nevertheless committed to sharing her special brand of joy right until Tahlia finishes school.

"I'm so far invested now that even if she does get embarrassed, I'll just chase her around the school," she laughed.

"I'll be doing it every single year, no question."

So far, Olivia hasn't inspired other parents to rock a crazy outfit for the first day back, but their appreciation for her efforts is always there.

"They tell me they wouldn't have the balls to do it themselves, but that they love that I do this for all the kids," Olivia, who now owns more than 30 costumes and also goes all out for Halloween and Book Week, said.


"What has happened though, is that more parents now dress up for Book Week whereas in my first year there were only a couple, so it's definitely made a difference that way."

And owing to her popularity, parents are already lining up to join Olivia 9 years from now, for a fun-filled parade she has planned.

"There is a special assembly for the Year 12's at the end of the year, so my plan is to have all 13 costumes reunite and do a lap around the gym, so that all the students who have seen the costumes every year can see them all again," she said.

"Parents are already taking dibs on which character they can be, so I won't have any trouble getting people to dress up with me."

At the end of the day, the only people who will really matter on the day will be her precious daughters.

"Tahlia always says to me that I'm the best mum because I'm different to all the other mums, and she loves that I dress up and show up for her at school," Olivia said, holding back tears.

"I'll always be happy to embarrass myself to make my kids smile."

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Feature image: Supplied.

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