real life

BREAKING NEWS: What mums really want for Mother's Day won't cost you a cent.

With Mother’s Day less than a fortnight away, the race is on to find Mum a gift she’ll actually enjoy. Which is easier said than done.

Budget constraints, busy schedules, shipping stuff ups and plain ol’ forgetfulness often mean that by the time the second Sunday in May rolls around, you’re well and truly at a loss for thoughtful ideas.

So you organise a last-minute bunch of flowers. Or a generic card from the supermarket. Or… candles.

Step away from the candles.

(Image: Giphy)

If you’re scratching your head as to what to buy mum this Mother’s Day on May 14, it turns out you can put your credit card away because the one thing she wants more than all of the expensive, yet useless gifts combined doesn't cost a cent.


New research from on-demand delivery service Go People has revealed all mums really want is... time. Time with you, her darling child who's all but forgotten about her now you're out living life in the big wide world.

Ranking the most popular gifts across the country, Go People found mums are more than twice as likely to value time with family over anything else.

Out of the mums surveyed, 36 per cent rated time with family as the ideal Mother's Day gift.

Which is why it's not surprising personalised alternatives like home made gifts, breakfast in bed and treating mum to a meal out rounded out the top four.

While almost 13 per cent of mums wouldn't mind a bunch of flowers, you can leave the chocolate on the shelf.

Listen: Luca Lavigne talk about his relationship with mum, Mia Freedman on This Glorious Mess (post continues after audio...)

And as for the much beloved candle that costs more than a smashed avo ADD halloumi?

Turns out less than five per cent of mums actually want a candle on Mother's Day. Groundbreaking.

Now that we know what they want, the next challenge is to actually make it happen. With almost half a million Aussies moving abroad or interstate every year, 25 per cent of Australians aged 25-44 admit to not seeing their mum as often as they would like to throughout the year.

Which means if you really want to get your Mum a gift she'll cherish, take the time to make some time.

How will you be celebrating Mother's Day this year?

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