
Elyse Knowles shares the uncomfortable side to her win on The Block.

Thanks to The Block, Elyse Knowles and Josh Barker might just be the luckiest 20-somethings in Australia.

On Sunday night, we witnessed the “life changing” moment the couple’s property in Elsternwick, Victoria sold for a casual $3,067,000.

With some help from comedian Dave Hughes and his very deep pockets (and, you know, three months of hard work), the 24-year-old model and her 28-year-old partner pocketed a total of $547,000, tax-free.

It’s the kind of money most millennials would give up their avocado toast for, undoubtedly giving this season’s youngest couple a head start in building their life together.

But, not all of the couples were so fortunate. Fan favourites Clint and Hannah made a profit of $95,000 on their elegantly styled home, and Sticks and Wombat made $130,000 on their all-rounder property.

Which begs the question – how are we supposed to celebrate our own success when the people we care about don’t have it quite as good?

Knowles and Barker were faced with this common predicament on finale night, caught between feeling such joy for themselves, and disappointment for their fellow contestants.


“It was quite hard to celebrate,” Knowles told OK Magazine of how the couple chose to handle the situation many of us have experienced before. Without the hundreds of thousands of dollars bit of course.

“We just kept a lid on it because our friends, who have kids and worked just as hard as us, hadn’t achieved what they wanted to achieve, but they are grateful for what they got.”

While it’s completely normal to feel uncomfortable about your own success when friends are going through a tough time, it shouldn’t diminish your achievements or the way you feel about them.

Because we all have both ups and downs in life, and what makes them memorable is having loved ones there through it all.

To laugh, cry, and most importantly, pop the champagne.

Psst… check out Josh and Elyse’s Dave Hughes’ $3 million property in the gallery below…

Here’s a rundown on The Block 2017 results from auction day:

Elyse and Josh: $447,000 (plus $100,000 prize money)

Jason and Sarah: $387,000

Sticks and Wombat: $130,000

Ronnie and Georgia: $161,000

Clint and Hannah: $95,000

LISTEN: Our resident TV experts discuss why The Block is still going strong, even though we’re all kind of sick of it...

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