real life

What is your idea of foreplay? (and win something to, er help you along)

This is a sponsored post from K-Y®. I am going to hand you right over to our resident sex expert Kerri Sackville who writes


Men and women are very different creatures when it comes to sex. This isn’t surprising, as men and women are very different creatures when it comes to pretty much everything.

Though there are exceptions to every rule, most men need very little warming up to get jiggy jiggy. They’re a bit like my whizz bang coffee machine – constantly on standby, with their light flashing hopefully, and with only one quick press… whooosh! The cup is filled.

Women, on the other hand, are more like a kettle – the old fashion kind that sits on a stove. You have to light the fire, put it on to boil, and wait for ages while it heats up. And you can’t let that flame die down for a second, or the result will be most unsatisfactorily lukewarm.

Because of the differences between men and women, our needs when it comes to foreplay are different too. And whilst we women have perfectly reasonable expectations of what constitutes foreplay, men can be WAY out of synch….

What Men Consider Foreplay:

  • His partner removing her clothes (whether to get into bed, hop into the shower, or put cream on a painful rash)
  • A nude woman on TV
  • A sex scene on TV
  • Nothing on TV
  • Getting into bed
  • Lying in bed
  • Waking up in bed
  • Giving his partner that ‘special look’
  • Pinching his partner’s bum
  • Saying  ‘Hey hon, wanna do the wild thing?’
  • Breathing.


What Women Consider Foreplay:

  • Receiving flowers
  • Receiving chocolates
  • Receiving a full body massage
  • Her partner doing the dishes
  • Her partner doing the laundry
  • Her partner doing whatever she wants
  • Being told that she is gorgeous
  • Being told that she is sexy
  • Being told that the kids are asleep and that her partner will get them up in the morning
  • Watching a film of Simon Baker (okay, so maybe that one is just me).

Given these differences, it’s amazing men and women ever come together at all (er, so to speak). But when we do, it can far more exciting, thanks to a new intimacy product from the K-Y® BRAND .

YOURS+MINEoffers two sexual enhancement lubricants with different sensations for the different needs of men and woman. They are housed in separate sexy test tubes – electric blue for the man and vibrant purple for the woman – which stimulate men and women differently; when they come together…well it’s igniting.

A study in 2009* showed that 70% of women experienced improved orgasm and sexual satisfaction as a result of using K-Y®Brand YOURS+MINE™, and that definitely has me interested.

I thought that a clean kitchen was the best possible foreplay. But it turns out, I may just well be wrong.

For your chance to win one of  six YOURS+MINEpacks just email Lana at with a copy of the comment you have posted below.  First six people to enter will win a YOURS+MINE pack to try …What is your idea of foreplay? Does it differ much from your partners?

*2009 Project Everest Study. Data on file.

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