Dear Mila
Wow! Last weekend you completed your first season of Suncorp NetSetGO. I can see you’re loving yourself sick in your cute li’l bib. And even though everyone gets one, you truly have earned it!
When we signed you up to the Ducks netball team in Term 1, you literally had no idea. You couldn’t catch, you could barely throw and never seemed to know which way your goals were.
But we could tell you were stoked as soon as you got your participant pack in the mail with your very own ball and t-shirt. It was straight to the backyard, where you’d be practising every little move for weeks to come.
You have come so far, my girl. You get it! You actually get it! Your confidence has grown through the roof.
You can now push out a strong-ish shoulder pass and you totally catch most of the balls coming your way. You are always smiling and watching you play makes my heart go boom, boom, boom.