
'Loud budgeting' has taken over TikTok. Here’s how it will save you money.

It's a familiar feeling. You set a saving goal you are really excited about, complete with a detailed budget and determination to see it through. And little by little, peer pressure gets in your way. 

'Come out for drinks.'

'Let's go see a movie.'

'How about that girls' getaway?'

Watch: 4 money hacks that don't cut out your daily cup of coffee. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

Well this year, all that is about to change, thanks to a new online trend known as 'loud budgeting'.

What is loud budgeting?

Loud budgeting is a term coined by Tik-Tok star Lukas Battle. The idea is that rather than succumbing to peer pressure to spend (or coming up with some excuse why you can't), it should be OK to be honest and transparent.

More than just OK though. Battle argues it should be a standard practice to publicly say no to expenses you don't wish to incur. This is not to be frowned upon or judged but respected and celebrated. He says, "It's not, I don't have enough. It's, I don't want to spend." It is a stance that has resonated with many, with his video getting over 1.4 million views.

The power of loud budgeting.

Money is a topic that has typically been taboo. Despite the rise of countless money forums, blogs and influencers, our personal finances have largely remained private – especially around friends and family. This is because we have been conditioned to associate our net worth with our self-worth. We fear judgement from those around us about how much we earn and what we do with it, so we keep it quiet.


Loud budgeting is all about turning that mindset on its head. It is about actively letting go of guilt or shame for not spending money in a way that others might expect. Instead it is about doing what aligns with your goals and values. 

In other words, it is about taking back control and owning your power. While saying "I can't afford to" or "I don't have enough" makes you feel small and powerless, owning your decision not to spend empowers you to take control of your finances. Not only will you be giving yourself permission to save, your confidence and capacity for growth will also get a boost.

A beginners guide to loud budgeting.

Despite the online safety net of loud budgeting adopters, saying no in person may not come quite as easily, at first. Here are a few simple steps to help you find the courage to openly say no.

Own your priorities – When faced with peer pressure to spend, remind yourself of your financial goals. Saying no becomes easier when you are clear on your 'why' and focused on the end result.

Share your journey – Open up about your financial goals and progress. Let your friends know that you're on a mission to improve your financial well-being. Doing so will create a sense of understanding and camaraderie, making it easier for your friends and family to respect your decisions. You never know, they may even join you on your saving quest.

Challenge the guilt – Remind yourself that your financial choices are personal, and you have the right to manage your money in a way that aligns with your goals. There is no shame in tightening your belt, in fact it is a very inspiring thing to do.


Prepare ahead – If saying no doesn't come naturally to you, prepare some simple phrases you can refer to in times of need. You don’t need to justify extensively. A simple "I'm saving for [goal], so I don't wish to spend on [item/activity] right now" will suffice.

Consider alternatives – Saying no to spending doesn't mean saying no to your relationships. Rather than saying a flat out no, consider if there may be other free or budget friendly alternatives you can suggest.

Practice empathy – While once there may have been shame at being the frugal friend in the group, the loud budgeting movement risks swinging the pendulum the other way. 

Be mindful of not making others feel shame for wanting to spend and try to politely decline without judgement. Remember, you're not saying no to their choices, but rather affirming your commitment to your goals. 

With the cost of living crisis in full swing, there has never been a more important time to have more open and honest money conversations. Sharing budgeting tips, struggles and success stories with each other helps to create a sense of solidarity and fosters support. 

It reminds us that financial concerns are not a personal failure, but a shared challenge and systemic issue. So go forth and say NO, knowing that it is safe to tighten your belt and let it be known.

Have you ever tried loud budgeting? Tell us in the comments section below.

Natasha Janssens is a finance expert, author and behavioural money coach. You can follow her on Instagram.

Feature Image: Getty.

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