Twelve weeks ago, our third child arrived and I am not coping.
There, I said it.
Friends and family keep asking how it’s going “now that you’ve got three” and the truth is, it’s tricky. The juggle is real.
The main thing I’ve learnt since having my third child is that it breaks the back on any pretense that I’ve got everything under control. Life is now undeniably chaotic and there is no hiding it!
It’s not the baby, Jesse, that’s the problem though. If anything, he’s my respite.
I almost get the opposite of PND when I have a baby – I fall into a ‘love bubble’ as I truly adore the newborn phase (sleep deprivation not withstanding). Anticipating his needs is simple: milk, sleep, cuddles, repeat. I enjoy sneaking of to my bedroom to settle him and cuddle and stare at his cute head for an hour, while I watch Real Housewives and ignore the rest of the world.
So when people ask how it’s going, I respond honestly – that the baby is wonderful. His requirements are so simple compared to his big sisters, aged almost-3 and 5, with their emotional and complex needs. Just sitting together on the couch to watch cartoons can devolve into a screaming match in a hot second, over something important like whose turn it is to have the yellow cushion.
Sarah's three children. Image supplied.
But, even that I can handle. It’s everything else I can’t cope with…
As in, everything else. How do you other mums do it? Who takes care of everything?