
When Notre Dame burned it was frontpage news around the world. Where are our tears for Sudan?


When Notre Dame cathedral erupted into flames in April, it had a world stage.

All eyes were glued on the 850-year-old structure, as flames licked and curled their way into the ancient church turning it to ash.

There were uncontrollable tears from hundreds, more than $1 billion was raised to rebuild it, and even all the way down here in Australia the iconic pictures of skyscraper high flames were splashed across every newspaper and digital website in the country.

Front page news.

This photo was splashed across every front page in the world. Image: Getty.

Right now, Sudan is in the grips of horrific pro-democracy violence.

100 people are dead. Some are suggesting that toll is actually up around 250. Others are saying 500.

At least 700 people have been injured.

More than 70 people have been raped. That number is definitely higher.

So, where is their $1 billion raised practically overnight to help rebuild?

Where are their tears?

Where is their international front page?

Sudan has called it "the most violent action the country has suffered since Spring". That sentence makes it hard for Western countries to understand. It's a foreign land where violence is rife.

Let's put it into perspective. Since when do we care more about buildings than humans?


It's too far away, it's too complicated, and it's too harrowing to watch, that's why.

There is also an internet blackout in the country right now, which makes it hard to report on.

The Sudanese started protesting back in December 2018, and forced the resignation of their dictator President Hassan al-Bashir who stood down in April this year.

Since then the army (Janjawid militas or Rapid Support Forces) has been ruling the country but pro-democracy demonstrators want the power to be handed back to civilians.

A peaceful sit-in protest was staged outside the army headquarters in Sudan's capital, Khartoum. They'd been there for a few weeks.

But on June 3, military rulers stormed it, slaughtering innocents and raping dozens.

Demonstrators have been shot, beaten and chased away, tents have been burnt and bodies thrown into the Nile. The army is peeing on people, making them drink sewage, and terrorising them and torturing them in front of their families.


Everyone is terrified.

Developments in Sudan
This is where the brutal massacre happened. Image:Getty.

The army has managed to keep a lot of information on lockdown, so the true extent of the sexual violence and death toll remains unknown.

One doctor with access to data compiled a list, he's counted 70 cases of rape of both men and women as a result of the attack, reports The Guardian.


There are plenty of victims that haven't sought medical treatment because they're too scared.

Sudanese activists have started a campaign of civil disobedience to try to end the uprising. They've shut down hospitals and markets, and are encouraging civilians to stay at home and wait it out.

They're passionate, despite watching their friends, family and home destroyed. Post continues after video.

Video via

They have no idea what's going to happen next, especially because their leaders are also their enemy.

The rest of the world has offered some help. The US has sent a top diplomat to Sudan to encourage talks. The European Union has condemned the Sudanese military.

The United Arab Emirates are calling for an investigation.

But Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the African Union aren't really doing anything, and they're some of Sudan's closes allies and trade partners.

Even though there's a blackout, people are starting to notice. Reports are seeping out.


Social media has started a hashtag #IAmtheSudanRevolution to call for more action. The Sudanese are using this tag when they can feed information out of from under their internet and communication blackout.

A GoFundMe has also been set up raising money for emergency medical aid, it's currently sitting at $100,000 AUD.

There's also a petition circulating demanding the UN investigate the June 3 attack.

The more we talk and write what we can, the more the Sudanese will feel heard.


Because we should definitely care more about human life than buildings. That's not even a statement we should be saying or questioning.

The Sudanese army is trying to silence its people right now, but the world also needs to want to listen to them in the first place.

If that's not enough to start caring, here are just four of the faces the world is ignoring.

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