I must confess, every time I see an artsy brunette with a septum piercing, I am reminded of how decidedly uncool I am by comparison.
She'll be spending her Friday nights at a grungy dive bar, playing bass in her spare time. And I'll be re-watching Glee while my ukulele gathers dust.
Watch Kelly Mosser explain the 'warm girl' theory. Post continues after video.
I used to think my lack of 'coolness' was a flaw, especially growing up. I mean, that's what movies and books told us, right?
But a new theory is fighting back on this stigma. And, I'm not exaggerating, it is transforming the mindsets of women everywhere.
"Did you just… change my life," one person asked on social media upon hearing the theory.
And yeah, I get it.
The theory, created by marketing manager Kelly Mosser, is this: "If you've never felt like a cool girl, it's probably because you're not cool. You're warm."
Yes, warm.
Kelly likens it to colours. Think about when we buy foundation; we find a shade that matches our skin's undertone — cool, warm, or neutral.