Hi, I’m Nama, and I’m new to Sydney. Brand spanking new. Five-months-old new.
It’s just me and my 11-year-old son here; our little family, spending our weekdays at work and school, and our weekends getting lost.
I don’t mean that as a metaphor. I mean I literally get us lost pretty much every weekend. Sydney is huge, especially to a girl from Adelaide. I’m still learning about the different areas and suburbs.
People warned me about how big Sydney is when you aren’t just a tourist, but actually live here. I didn’t believe them. But when I find myself taking the wrong exit and 20 minutes away from where I’m meant to be, on a regular basis, I’m feeling the expanse.
And I’m feeling the pinch. Or, more to the point, my petrol tank is feeling the pinch…
So when I’m offered the chance by Toyota to drive a hybrid car for a weekend, I jumped at the opportunity to take it for a spin. Because my understanding of a hybrid is simply that it’s a car that uses a combination of petrol and an electric battery to run, so it’s really fuel efficient.
Even better, I discover that this hybrid has a battery that recharges as you drive. Wait…what?
Here’s how it went down:
Friday arvo: Pick-up and #weekendgoals.
The first thing I do when I get the car is the most important thing when driving a car these days: take a driver’s seat selfie.