
'Solo moons' are the new honeymoons, and here's everything you need to know about them.


Traditionally speaking, a honeymoon is a holiday a married couple takes together soon after they wed. You know, to celebrate their new life as a couple… and eat all the food… and have all the sex.

But we’ve just learned that taking separate honeymoons – or ‘solo moons’ – are now a thing. And no, we don’t mean taking a vacay with Hans Solo (which would be pretty cool).

No, it seems that taking a solo moon, or as it’s also known, a ‘uni moon’, and bucking the honeymoon trend, is now a trend – with almost 1500 mentions on Instagram by travellers seeking some alone time. According to a report in The New York Times, entitled “Until Honeymoon Do We Part”, it’s an increasingly popular trend for newlyweds to holiday separately after they get married.

Yes, these couples are intentionally forgoing their eligibility for honeymoon suites with free champagne and flowers (and mirrored ceilings)… to do exactly the opposite of what marriage is intended to be – act separately.

Danielle Braff, the author of the NYT article, spoke to several couples who cited a few motivations for solo moons. Couples not being able to agree on a destination is one of them.

WATCH: Things people never say at weddings. Post continues after audio.


The other is that they consciously choose the somewhat unconventional timing to assert their separate identities… with the intention of maintaining their independence.

That’s something which Helen Fisher, a senior research fellow at the Kinsey Institute, is a little concerned about. Fisher explained to The New York Times that when couples holiday together, all three brain systems can be triggered: romantic love (which stimulates dopamine), deep attachment, and sex drive – which is overall excellent for people’s wellbeing.

“Perhaps I’m old-fashioned, but I think [the occasion] should be marked,” she said.

“You are at a new stage in your life when you marry, and you are missing out on triggering the three most valuable brain systems for a lasting relationship.”

It should be noted that #solomoon has also been used by single, unmarried people travelling alone:


But in terms of post-wedding solo moons, not everyone is thrilled with the concept, with some people on social media wondering what the point of a trip alone to celebrate a marriage is, and noting that an inability to compromise so early in a marriage might not bode well for its future.


But honestly – each to their own.

What do you think of the solo moon trend? Tell us in the comments below.

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