
What if we no longer remain silent about infertility?

I will never know the absolute gut wrenching pain of infertility even though I felt like I skirted its edges for years as I attempted to conceive my little boy (who I will have to stop calling little very soon).

Ethan was born after many heart breaking, soul-destroying miscarriages  and with much medical intervention. In fact he owes his life to science – from conception right through to gestation and then to the very fraught beginnings when ventilators breathed for him. And after all the pain and angst we suffered on our journey to bring him into this world we had a happy ending.

We were the lucky ones.

Infertility is considered a disease of the reproductive system.  One third of infertility can be attributed to male factors, and about one third to female factors.  In about 20% of cases infertility is unexplained, and the remaining 10% of infertility is caused by a combination of problems in both partners.

Keiko Zoll is an infertility advocate. She was diagnosed with primary ovarian insufficiency (formerly known as premature ovarian failure) in 2009 at age 26, just three months after her  first wedding anniversary. 

In trying to erase some of the stigma surrounding the subject of infertility she made public (and viral) her struggle with infertility with this incredibly moving video that “illustrates the “everydayness” of coping with infertility”.


What IF we no longer remain silent about our infertility? What IF we give infertility a face, a name, a story? What IF we can become a positive force for change?

What IF we don’t give up hope?

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