If you were a royal, and had a personal chef working at your every beck and call, what would you choose to eat?
Would it be the finest of food, or the junk kind? Or would it fall somewhere in between?
For the Queen, who is 91 next month, it’s neither. The Telegraph have investigated the long-reigning monarch’s food preferences and they’re a little, how do you say, beige?
Every week, Queen Elizabeth flicks through a red leather-bound book of menu suggestions from the head chef of the household, Mark Flanagan. Presumbly, she would not spared quality, quantity or variety, but that’s not something she dwells on nor is it something she finds great joy in.
Darren McGrady, a former chef in the royal kitchens, told The Telegraph the Queen is “not a foodie. She eats to live, unlike Prince Philip who loves to eat and would stand and talk food all day,” which goes some way towards explaining her choices of food throughout the day.
Breakfast is uncomplicated for her royal highness. A bowl of cereal — she has a penchant for Special K — and some fruit.
McGrady adds that, “The Queen loved scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and a grating of truffle. But she was too frugal to ever order fresh truffles and only really enjoyed them at Christmas when the truffles were sent as a gift.”