I’ve been on a bit of a mission lately.
For over 10 years I’ve been a terrible sleeper and am generally pretty highly strung. If you look up Type A personality there should be a photo of me next to the description.
In a bid to learn how to switch off, get back to basics and simplify my life I’ve been making some lifestyle changes.
I’ve switched to (mostly) natural beauty products and cleaning products. I’m doing a meditation course through an app. I’ve even started yoga.
It was at my new yoga studio that I spotted these glowing rock light thingies dotted around the place. They kind of look like something out of Fraggle Rock or The Flintstones.
Turns out they are lamps made out of chunks of salt.
The premise behind them is that the Himalayan salt reduces the amount of airborne bacteria in the room, therefore improving the air quality.
It apparently does this by producing negative ions from the water circulating in the air.