
'I married the stripper.' 14 men on the craziest thing they witnessed at a bucks party.

Last night I broke the Internet. It wasn’t from sharing my deep thoughts on the meaning of life or announcing that I had found the cure for one of life’s many horrible diseases.

No, no. I simply revealed exactly what goes on at Buck’s parties. And ladies, it's worse than we thought.

Sure, I think we all know about the beers, the strippers, and the ridiculous hazing rituals that men take part in during these debauched events. But what I wasn’t prepared for was the deep sexual undercurrent. The infidelity, the experimentation, the escorts, the pack mentality. 

My quest to find out what happens at these parties began after hearing one too many stories about Bucks who got caught cheating. In the news. From friends. On TikTok. Heck, they even made a movie out of it. The Hangover was a box office hit. 

Do a quick Google search and you will find hundreds of Buck’s party horror stories. But I wanted to know if that was all just a beat-up. I wanted proper accounts from multiple men. So I turned to my Instagram account. 

Over the years, thanks to a fairly open mind and a habit of writing articles with no filter, I have somehow built an audience of men who turn to me for advice on women. I treat my writing like a diary (much to my Mum’s horror) and it turns out they appreciate the insight.

So when I threw out a very simple question “What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen/done at a Buck’s party?” they delivered in spades. 


Watch: The types of people at a buck's party. Post continues after video.

Video via YouTube/Frenchy SungaAttack.

Over the next couple of hours, I couldn’t put my phone down. Under the guise of anonymity, thanks to a special link I use that keeps each person's details private, men confessed to the most sinful deeds at Buck’s party.

Honestly, they were wild. 

You may want to pour yourself a stiff drink as I reveal just some of the outlandish things lads are getting up to. 

Let’s start with ones involving strippers. Now for the record, I’ve never had a problem with men going to the strippers. I assumed it was all harmless fun. They get to ogle boobs and act like ‘lads, lads, lads’. Heck, women often hire a sexy stripper for a Hen's party. However, it appears Bucks Nights take the stripping… umm… up a level.

There were the strippers who were fond of candy...

Image: Supplied.


Image: Supplied.


And we all know it’s important to stock up on nutritious food during a big weekend…

Image: Supplied.


Then there were the strippers who took it to a whole new level…

Image: Supplied.


Then there are the injuries…

Image: Supplied.

And while we are decking our bride-to-be in silly tutus and diamante tiaras, the men are dressing their grooms in… well…

Image: Supplied.


And finally, the cheating. Oh, how they love to cheat in various ways…

Image: Supplied.


Image: Supplied.


Image: Supplied.

Image: Supplied.


And then there was the man who wanted commitment after all...


These are just some of the hundreds of messages I received, but I think they give you a good idea of what’s going on in the land of the Buck. 

I have since concluded that many Bucks' parties are designed for 'guilt-free' cheating. Yes, it’s as ridiculous as it sounds. For some reason many Bucks treat these nights as a way to get one last notch on their belt before they settle in for a life of marriage.

It sure makes me rethink those joint Hen/Bucks parties I once thought were so lame. 

So give me a taffeta outfit, ridiculous diamante tiara, pink champagne, and an outlandish 'bride' sash. Because I would pick a Hen’s party over a Buck's party any night of the week.

Feature image: Canva/Supplied.

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