
The powerful statement from George Pell's only surviving victim after his sentencing.

Following the sentencing of Cardinal Pell, the Archbishop’s only surviving victim has delivered a moving statement.

Delivered to the public in a note via his lawyer, Dr Viv Waller, he explains that he is trying his best to hold himself and his family together.

“It is hard for me to feel the gravity of this moment. The moment when the sentence is handed down. The moment when justice is done. It is hard for me, for the time being, to take comfort in this outcome,” he begins the statement.


“I appreciate that the court has acknowledged what was inflicted upon me as a child. However, there is no rest for me,” he added.

The victim continued to explain the sentence is “overshadowed” by the forthcoming appeal, and explains that while there has been public backlash to his evidence, only the Judge, the jury, Pell and legal teams have heard the evidence.

“Regardless of the outcome of the appeal, a few facts will always remain,” he continued.

“I gave evidence for several days. I was cross-examined by Pell’s defence counsel. A jury has unanimously accepted the truth of my evidence,” he wrote, adding that Pell chose not to give evidence and not to be cross-examined.

“I have played my part the best as I can, I took the difficult step of reporting to police about a high-profile person and I stood up to give my evidence. I am waiting for the outcome of the appeal like everybody else,” he wrote.

He concluded the statement by explaining he is doing his best to look after himself and his family.

“Being a witness in a criminal case has not been easy. I’m doing my best to hold myself and my family together,” he wrote, adding that he was thankful the media respected wishes for his identity to remain anonymous.

Cardinal George Pell was sentenced to six years imprisonment, with a non-parole period of three years and eight months.

 Pell’s sentencing for sexually abusing two choirboys in 1996 was broadcast Australia-wide this morning, and the sentence was announced just after 11am.


The maximum penalty for Pell’s crimes was 10 years, yet Chief Justice Peter Kidd said this was “not the diminutive factor of my sentence, nor is the maximum penalty the starting point for my sentencing exercise”.

Chief Judge Peter Kidd said Pell’s age – as a 77-year-old – was a factor in his sentencing.

“Of some real importance in my sentencing exercise is the fact that each year you spend in custody will represent a substantial portion of your remaining life expectancy,” he said.

“I am conscious that the term of imprisonment, which I am about to impose upon you, carries with it a real, as distinct from theoretical, possibility that you may not live to be released from prison.

“Facing jail at your age in these circumstances must be an awful state of affairs for you. You are also clearly someone with some significant enough health issues.

“I have no doubt that you will experience some stress while in custody. I will make allowance for these matters.”

The character references provided for Pell were also taken into account.

Pell’s application for leave is being heard on June 5.

For more on this topic:

“He was a different boy”. The family of one of George Pell’s victims share their heartbreak.

George Pell is not what a Catholic looks like.

George Pell’s lawyer said his client’s offence was a ‘vanilla’ sexual abuse case. There is no such thing.


What George Pell’s defenders cannot possibly know about his victim.

The telling words George Pell uttered 16 years ago that shocked members of his own church. 

“He was practically shouting.” Exactly how George Pell tried to ‘prove’ his innocence in court.

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