
This woman noticed something peculiar about her Thermomix, and now you will too.

Remember the blue or gold dress?

Well, the internet is about to melt down all over again, and this time, it’s because of a Thermomix.

Meg Campisi, a user in the closed Facebook group ‘Skinnymixers’ had hundreds of women in hysterics when she noticed something….peculiar about her Thermomix after receiving it back from repairs.

Posting to the group, she tentatively asked the group if they had noticed that half their machine was in fact grey.

“Hello, I accidentally flooded my Thermomix two weeks ago. It’s all fixed. Service was fantastic,” read the post.

“I have it back now and it’s a different colour? Just checking I haven’t had a brain fail and it didn’t always look like this? Half of it is now grey?”

Image via Facebook.

Well, fair to say Meg that no they bloody well didn't notice half the Thermomix was in fact grey and not white.

The comments that followed had the Skinnymixer group freaking out, big time.

"No freaking way!!!" wrote one user. "If you'd asked me I would have said mine's all white. But sure enough it's grey!"

Image via Facebook.

"I thought you were all mad," wrote another, "Got off the couch thinking well mine is all white! Guess what it isn't it's like yours. I have never noticed it before and I mine after each use."

Since the post went up last night, it's had over 230 comments from shocked Thermomix owners who didn't notice that their white Thermomix was not half in shadow, but actually HALF GREY.

Image via Facebook.

Now that I think about it, I couldn't confirm any defining features of my kitchen's white goods. What shape is our Soda Stream? What colour is our toaster?

Wait, do I even OWN a toaster?



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