Did you see the tumblr post about feminists the other day?
The one that said: “We should rape all feminists. If they want to hate men, let’s at least give them a reason.”
The comments following this post were not complimentary. But the post remains, as far as I know.
And I don’t know what is worse. Seeing that post just sitting there, disguised as a joke, or the thought that there are people out there who think that such a sentiments are funny.
This past week, there has been a hullabaloo on Facebook and out in the bigger wider world, caused by a Facebook page, Aboriginal Memes, dedicated to vilifying Indigenous Australians in a most hateful way.
The Facebook page had a series of pictures of the Aboriginal flag and an Aboriginal elder, accompanied by racist and apparently ‘funny’ phrases that portray Aboriginal people as drunk, addicted to sniffing petrol and reliant on Government hand outs.
It was disrespectful, it was insensitive, it was damaging, it was cruel…. it was, really, so many awful things that’s it’s hard to pin down with just a few words.
It was also shocking that this was an attempt at humour in the year 2012. That there was a person / or some people who created this page for a laugh, and people – hundreds and hundreds of them – who clicked the like button.