
My messy life just got a little bit cleaner.







Remember the days when your mum would spit on a tissue or hanky and try to clean your face? Remember how you’d try to make a run for it but she’d grab you and start rubbing away while you squirmed and complained? Eventually she learned to sneak up on you and do it. Normally this happened on the way to visit a friend or relative. It happened with no warning and often scarred you for life.

And it was always a bit violent. As punishment for not eating neatly you’d be assaulted with the tissue or the hanky covered in your mother’s saliva. Bet you’ll eat more carefully next time, won’t you? Bet you won’t make such a mess next time.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is an advertorial for Wet Ones. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in her own words.

Thank goodness the days of spit and polish are OVER! Now it’s all about Wet Ones- the best brand of hand wipes.

I have a confession. I often don’t brush my teeth at night. I don’t even change into proper pyjamas. Most nights I don’t even make it into bed. So if I’m not brushing my teeth and if I’m not getting changed I’m definitely not taking off my makeup. So I keep a packet of Wet Ones next to my bed and wipe my makeup off. They work really well and smell so lovely. It’s the only night time routine I have and the best part of it is you can do it lying down. They even take off mascara and are much less expensive than make up remover wipes.

And they smell nothing like saliva!

Tissues are no longer needed.

Also, I never use tissues anymore. Even the special soft ones scratch the delicate skin on your nose after countless sneezes. Wet Ones are way more gentle.

Are you going out straight after work? Here’s how to quickly freshen up. After your touch up your makeup and brush your hair, wipe under your arms with Wet Ones before reapplying your deodorant. It’s a brilliant trick.

I use hair removal cream on my upper lip every two weeks and wipe it off with Wet Ones. They are brilliant in the kitchen to clean up food messes and they are great at cleaning furniture and ‘wall art’ completed by your delightful children (how many times have I told you NOT to draw on the wall?!?).


I also use Wet Ones to wipe the kid’s faces after they eat an ice cream (how does it end up all over their faces?), I use them to clean my car dashboard, I use them to de-glug my cat’s eyes and I use them to take food stains off the carpet and off my fabric lounge. They work like magic – even when its pen marks.

Wet Ones even take food stains out of your clothes, and baby spew.

My entire life revolves around Wet Ones now and if I start to run out I break into a cold sweat.

The trick is to put a pack everywhere – in every room of the house, in your hand bag, in the car glove box, in your children’s school bags and in the bathroom, next to the toilet (if you know what I mean). My husband even takes a packet to work. He’s a truck driver and constantly covered in oil and petrol. He keeps them on the dashboard now.

They take pet hair off jackets, they clean handbags and appliances.

I could go on and on. You get the idea.

So, break the cycle. Pledge never to spit on a tissue or hanky to clean anything, especially your child’s face. Because our children deserve better. Our children deserve the best brand of hand wipes- Wet Ones.

For your chance to win a $250 hamper, upload a picture in the comments of a messy situation where you’ve needed Wet Ones. For more information head to this page.

Wet Ones is the original and number 1 brand of portable hand wipes that you can trust to provide a quick and easy clean-up for your family. With Wet Ones, you can control messy situations wherever you are and be sure that they will keep your hands clean and germ-free.

This advertorial is sponsored by Wet Ones. Comments on this post are just for this post. If you have questions about sponsored posts or the choice of advertisers please click 

What are you waiting for? For your chance to win a $250 hamper, upload your picture and we’ll add it to our gallery.

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