Welcome to our election party!
It’s where we’re keeping the discussion about the events of September 7 going. From Annabel Crabb’s scarf to the very real prospect of Clive Palmer wielding significant politcial power.
Just like any good election party, there’s plenty of interesting debate and banter. You can join the discussion in our comments section below. But, be warned, we’re good hosts. So any bullying behaviour or personal attacks, and we’ll show you the door.
If it all gets too much, we have generously provided a drinking game (BYO) which you are free to play with your DVR recordings of the coverage. (We know you’ve got them.)
So, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Happy election!
11.00 AM Sunday 8th – The Morning After.
Australia has woken up to a new Prime Minister elect, however the election results are still rolling in.
Senate Results are still being released across the nation, however so far the results are as follows, according to the ABC:
ACT: 1 Coalition, 1 ALP
NSW: 3 Coalition, 2 ALP, 1 Liberal Democratic Party
QLD: 3 Coalition, 2 ALP, 1 Palmer United Party
VIC: 2 Coalition, 2 ALP, 1 Greens Party, 1 Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party