Someone robbed a refugee and asylum seeker charity. But they took more than just a trailer.
Last week, someone used bolt-cutters to break into the grounds of our Welcome Centre in Adelaide, South Australia and steal the trailer we use to deliver donated furniture, white goods and other basic needs to asylum seekers living in our community.
Unable to legally work, and facing many other financial and social challenges, we find many of our friends surviving in homes without fridges, beds, couches and unable to afford many of the other comforts most of us take for granted.
Setting aside, for a moment, the disappointment our volunteers feel at the thought that someone would so intentionally rob a charity in this way, it’s families, young people and children that bear the brunt of this kind of selfishness.
We arrived at one house last winter where a family with absolutely nothing was sleeping on Ikea throw-rugs on non-carpeted floors – including their one-year-old baby.
After putting the word out to our supporters, we were able to quickly deliver donated mattresses, beds, a cot, fridge, couches, bed linen and kitchenware for them. Nearly a year later, they invited some of our volunteers over for dinner, brought out crockery to serve them and said, “this was from you” – and our volunteers soon discovered they’d donated some of our original gifts to other asylum seekers they’d met who were doing it even tougher than them.
Read more: This five year old has put your last charity fun-run to shame.